Texas Medical Systems offers full service electronic data
interchange (EDI) for medical practices! ...more
Beginning with real-time
eligibility verifications, our service
enables medical practices to work more efficiently, guaranteeing
better reimbursement by working with current, correct, and
timely information. Our customers have instant access to the
following healthcare transactions:
- Live eligibility verification
- Referral requests
- Patient member number confirmation and
Bring your claims
to life. We plan to offer electronic claims submission and
tracking. Utilizing the latest HIPAA standards for transmittal
and security, our customers will benefit from industry leading
- Live claims status inquiry checks
- Electronic secondary transmittal with
- Electronic Remittance Advice and payment
- Claim scrubbing with clean claim
recommendation messaging
- EOB scanning services to eliminate paper
Our service will
offer electronic patient billing, reminders, and collection
letters. These services dramatically reduce the time it takes
to produce patient communications and simplifies the process
of answering patient billing related questions.
- View your patient statements online and
see exactly what your patients receive.
- Send patient due balance letters to reduce
days in AR.
- Send postcards and other reminders.
- Add special notices to your statements.