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Electronic Claims
Paper Claims
Claim Scrubbing
Demo Files

A Revolutionary New Clearinghouse Provides Denials Management


ediLive! will revolutionize the way you work outstanding claims and collect your patient balances. The software allows you to zero in on denied claims, see current claim status in a matter of seconds, and helps to prevent mistakes that will cost your practice money.

Invalid Claims and Claim Manager will bring your claims to life. In the first 15 days after a claim is electronically filed, your clearinghouse and the payers will generate 12-15 status messages. We tie all status messages from our claim rules engine and those from the payers directly back to your claims. We put your invalid and rejected claims into a list for efficient correction and resubmittal.

  • Real-time claims status inquiry checks (single or batch)
  • Tracks claims by status (pended, rejected, paid...)
  • Posts all status messages and edits to the claim
  • Allows you to repair rejects in place from an automated worklist
  • Allows 100% paperless administration

Our rules-based claims management means fewer rejected claims and
reduced days in accounts receivable.

  • User maintained rule tables
  • Response rules by payer or practice
  • Substitution rules by practice

With Claim Manager, your claim follow-up is simple and powerful. Send claim tracers and collection letters with just a click of the mouse. Let your letters do the work for you. We enlisted legal help to build the power of your state legislation into a special set of collection letters. more>

Copyright © 2006 — Texas Medical Systems Inc.